Witchcraft is one of the fastest growing spiritual practices in America since its reemergence in the 1950’s. However, a lot of aspects of modern practices are not common knowledge, and there is a lot of stigma around the subject. This project’s objective was to create an informational booklet surrounding the topic of witchcraft that breaks down information into more digestible chunks.

Grid Play

The newest demographic of those interested in witchcraft is primarily Gen Z women from early teens to late twenties. With this in mind, a more bright and trendy color palette was used throughout the booklet. Art is heavily involved in the new age community so there is illustration paired with photography for the supporting elements. The book gives a brief summary of witchcraft’s history, modern practices, new age shops in the Portland Area for supplies, and brief introductions to some of the most used materials. Parts of the materials sections are interactive to add intrigue and introduce readers to the interactive nature of witchcraft. 
A note from the Editor
A note from the Editor
Article Example
Article Example
Section Separation
Section Separation
Shop Review
Shop Review
Sections of the book include interactive parts, like a turnable color wheel, an envelope containing bay leaves for a simple spell, and a pocket containing a crystal pocket-guide zine. 
The Pocket Guide: 
In the crystal section of the booklet, there is a smaller zine that names some of the more common crystals and their uses. It is printed in black ink on purple cardstock paper and is only 5" tall. 
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